Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Favourite Games at 3 Months

At the three month mark, we've established a few guaranteed-to-get-a-smile activities with our sweet boy.

The number one way, is a little game my grandpa (I call him Papa) taught me and played with me when I was little. For this reason, it makes my heart ooze with happiness every time I play it with my son and see his smiles and giggles.

I sit my baby up on the edge of my knees, facing me and sing a little song that goes like this:
El Paso, El Paso, El Paso (bounce baby softly on knees)
El Trote, Trote, Trote (bounce baby bigger on knees)
Giddyup! Giddyup! (bounce baby super fast)
Whoa! (pretend that you're stopping the horse and lean baby back just a bit)
Now, my little guy likes the first bounce and LOVES the second bounce. The third is just a bit rough for him yet and he sometimes gets a bit of a confused look on his face, but I figure we can build to that as he grows in confidence.

Another game that is similar is one my husband plays. Our son likes it almost as much as its very similar. It goes like this:

This is the way the lady rides, lady rides, lady rides. This is the way the lady rides to church on Sunday morning. (bounce baby slowly on knees)
This is the way the gentleman rides, gentleman rides, gentleman rides. This is the way the gentleman rides to church on Sunday morning (bounce baby bigger and sing faster)
This is the way the hunter rides, the hunter rides, the hunter rides. This is the way the hunter rides to church on Sunday morning. (bounce baby super big and sing faster)
This is the way the baby rides, baby rides, baby rides. This is the way the baby rides to church on Sunday morning! (bounce baby all around and sing super fast)
What games do you like to play with your little ones!?

Loving the playtime,

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